15th October 1:30pm
Allen, the sight impaired art enthusiast, will talk about his art experiences.
Held at Paul Cacioli’s house: 2 Jalna Crt Eltham.
RSVP Carmel before 14th please
31st October 7:30 to 9:30
AGM @ Camberwell Community Centre
33/35 Fairholm Grove, Camberwell VIC 3124,
We have an exciting speaker to talk to us at our AGM .
Carolyn Rogers incorporates textiles with sculpture using recycled materials and embroidery. Sculpture with difference. Come and join us.
1:30pm 10th November
Paul Smith is part of a collective of 4 sculptors and one painter. The studio exhibition actually opens on 30 Nov, so we (ASV) get a sneak peek of the artworks. All the artists will be there for a chat.
74 Monbulk Rd Kallista (not the posh restaurant in Gembrook)
20 November 11am to 5pm
Mould workshop/ limited spaces
Ryan from Dalchem 141 Herald Street Cheltenham RSVP ASAP activites@sculptorsvictoria.as.au
8th December Christmas Party
Carmel Ritchie's Home 7 Lamorna Court Eltham