The Association of Sculptors of Victoria is an inclusive, not-for-profit collective of contemporary artists whose purpose is to inspire,stimulate and advance the appreciation, creation, and exploration of three-dimensional art in society.

President's Letter for October

"Painting and sculpture help other people to see what a wonderful world we live in."
Henry Moore
Art as practised by the individual artist is political - our expression is from our point of view, our philosophies and our beliefs. How do we reconcile intense diversity within an organisation such as Sculptors Victoria? For me - it’s the same as within your family - “I may not agree with what you say but I defend your right to say it”. By the same token there are lines we do not cross - we keep on the side of compassion, integrity and learning. The news of the world arouses fears and passions - are we only to reflect these negatives in our work or can we inspire, aspire and bring hope - joy even - in the face of destruction. We create and we put on amazing exhibitions!
Let’s gather at our AGM to celebrate our diversity and our hope. Let us celebrate what we are able to contribute both in our work and in our efforts to present and interpret sculpture to a public at least as diverse as we are ourselves.

The business of the AGM is to receive the reports and to elect a committee for the following year. This is the backbone of our organisation - but the actual work - the muscles if you will - is done by the people who take on the tasks: the newsletter, exhibition coordination, social media, Arts Hub contact, grant investigation, exhibition venue opportunities search, for this we meet as an expanded committee - as people helping one another in support of sculpture.

Please attend the AGM - one way or another - to meet people you could be friends with, who might help you in your work, who care about the future of sculpture in Victoria as you do and who have ideas to share and carry to fruition. A link will be sent for those who wish to attend remotely.

The AGM will be held in Studio 1 at the Camberwell Community Centre, Fairholm Grove Camberwell from 7:30 pm on Thursday 31st October. We have an inspiring guest artist - see later in the newsletter.

Thank you all for your camaraderie during 2024. I am looking forward to 2025.

Happy sculpting
Jenny Rickards

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