The Association of Sculptors of Victoria is an inclusive, not-for-profit collective of contemporary artists whose purpose is to inspire,stimulate and advance the appreciation, creation, and exploration of three-dimensional art in society.

President's Letter for October

"Painting and sculpture help other people to see what a wonderful world we live in."
Henry Moore
Art as practised by the individual artist is political - our expression is from our point of view, our philosophies and our beliefs. How do we reconcile intense diversity within an organisation such as Sculptors Victoria? For me - it’s the same as within your family - “I may not agree with what you say but I defend your right to say it”. By the same token there are lines we do not cross - we keep on the side of compassion, integrity and learning. The news of the world arouses fears and passions - are we only to reflect these negatives in our work or can we inspire, aspire and bring hope - joy even - in the face of destruction. We create and we put on amazing exhibitions!

Dates for Your Diary

 31st October 7:30pm to 9:30pm

Annual General Meeting

Carolyn Rogers' work
@ Art on the Hill

We have an exciting speaker to talk to us at our AGM .
Carolyn Rogers incorporates textiles with sculpture using recycled materials and embroidery. Sculpture with difference.
Come and join us.
Camberwell Community Centre
33/35 Fairholm Grove,
Camberwell VIC 3124

10th November 2024 1:30pm

Paul Smith is part of the Dennach Art Collective of 4 sculptors and one painter. The studio exhibition actually opens on 30 Nov, so we (ASV) get a sneak peek of the artworks.
74 Monbulk Rd Kallista (not the posh restaurant in Gembrook)

ASV Exhibitions - Melbourne International Flower & Garden Show

It is that time of year again in planning the next Melbourne International
Flower and Garden Show (MIFGS) ASV sculpture exhibition in March 2025. This is the first year that I will be coordinating MIFGS. Very exciting 😁. I’m looking forward to the challenge. I have taken over from Paul Cacioli who did an amazing job at coordinating MIFGS for the past number of years. We have a good team that works together to make this another awesome show in March 2025.

Other Opportunities and Interesting Art

Gippsland Sculpture exhibition Yinnar

Solar Punk Art Competition
SolarPunk Art Competition | Off-Grid Festival

If you are passing by in NSW…..

The Sculptors Society of NSW

3 exciting sculpture exhibitions in October/November 2024.

Members' News and Social Media

Send your information to me please Carmel Ritchie

Don’t forget that some of the previous newsletters had members' events that might be still open.
Andre Sardone exhibition- Bendigo
Where are You? A special request for Pamela Wilson, who paid her registration in June but we have no further details or forms, to contact me please.
No, you are not in trouble.
(As a retired teacher, I know how that sounds!)

Follow up from Allen’s visit at Paul Cacioli’s Tuesday 15th

For sight impaired Allen, visiting art in galleries usually results in disappointment. Most galleries will not let people touch work. However, at the Art on the Hill recently, he was invited to touch some suitable statues and enjoyed it immensely.

Editor's Inspiration and President's Letter

"Where did I learn to understand sculpture? In the woods by looking at the trees, along roads by observing the formation of clouds, in the studio by studying the model, everywhere except in the schools.” Auguste Rodin
The spring equinox has passed - the acceleration of day length has peaked and buds are swelling and bursting open in their due time.

Sculptors have put work in quite a few different exhibitions - it’s a bit harder keeping track when they are not run by Sculptors Victoria but still the general impression is of surging activity and creativity: the winds of change are blowing.

Diary Dates

15th October 1:30pm

Allen, the sight impaired art enthusiast, will talk about his art experiences.
Held at Paul Cacioli’s house: 2 Jalna Crt Eltham.
RSVP Carmel before 14th please

31st October 7:30 to 9:30

AGM @ Camberwell Community Centre
33/35 Fairholm Grove, Camberwell VIC 3124,
We have an exciting speaker to talk to us at our AGM .
Carolyn Rogers incorporates textiles with sculpture using recycled materials and embroidery. Sculpture with difference. Come and join us.

1:30pm 10th November

Paul Smith is part of a collective of 4 sculptors and one painter. The studio exhibition actually opens on 30 Nov, so we (ASV) get a sneak peek of the artworks. All the artists will be there for a chat.
74 Monbulk Rd Kallista (not the posh restaurant in Gembrook)

20 November 11am to 5pm

Mould workshop/ limited spaces
Ryan from Dalchem 141 Herald Street Cheltenham RSVP ASAP

8th December Christmas Party

Carmel Ritchie's Home 7 Lamorna Court Eltham

AGM special speaker, Carolyn Rogers

‘Exploring, repurposing, recycling and creating.

‘Textile art has taken exciting steps forward over the last few years.
Traditional conservative boundaries have been opened to allow blends of old and new recycled and repurposed construction mediums to come together in new art concepts.

I am excited at the possibilities at my fingertips - Be my guest, Take a look! ’

Art Director of Ripples on Artpath - Carolyn Rogers

work by
Carolyn Rogers

Art on the Hill

Firstly, thank you for supporting Art on The Hill. The quality of the work was of a very high standard and the diversity of media and styles brought a beautiful dynamic to the exhibition.

It was interesting doing the bump-in in the dark. It was the first time for me, and I really appreciate everyone’s patience and cooperation. It was great to walk in on Wednesday morning and see everything lit up.

There were 62 works from 24 artists, including 44 sculptures and 18, 2-D works.

Paul Cacioli

Studio Visit with Jason Waterhouse 11th September

Members had a most exhilarating experience when they visited SculptureCo. The owner, Jason Waterhouse who was our judge for our Annual and Awards exhibition gave us an amazing presentation, explaining the business side as well as the practical aspects of sculpture processing that is carried out in his amazing huge warehouse area. 

Opportunities & Interesting Art

Deakin University
Deakin University Contemporary Small Sculpture Award
The Bolin Bolin Gallery
It's a good time to pay Bulleen Art & Garden a visit to see our new exhibition. You can also tune your thoughts to spring in your garden while you’re here.
Bolin Bolin Gallery



New Members and Members' News

The ASV welcomes this new artist into our organisation:

Les Pertzel

We are all looking forward to seeing your work at our upcoming exhibitions.


Some of our ASV members have their sculptures in the Hive Gallery Ocean Grove
Opening Sat October 5th
Drive down for a look.