The Association of Sculptors of Victoria is an inclusive, not-for-profit collective of contemporary artists whose purpose is to inspire,stimulate and advance the appreciation, creation, and exploration of three-dimensional art in society.

President's Ramblings

March means MIFGS! Also in March, ASV sculptors contributed to exhibitions in Kilmore, Gippsland, Acheron and Blairgowrie. The ASV is contributing to sculpture in Victoria not only through its own exhibitions but also by facilitating communication and community amongst sculptors exhibiting in Victoria.

Dates for your Diary

Tuesday 2 May Website sub-committee @ Camberwell Community Centre

Monday 15th May Close of Entries Annual and Awards Exhibition 2023

17 June - 3 July Annual and Awards Exhibition at the Victorian Artists Society galleries

Wednesday 21 June Online members' meeting - AAE 2023

Wednesday 9 August "Show and Tell" members' meeting at Gillian Govan's home

MIFGS Judge's Talk - Pamela Irving

Thanks so much to Paul Cacioli for inviting me to judge the ASV works for this year’s International Flower and Garden Show.


 ASV Annual and Awards Exhibition 

The Annual and Awards Exhibition is just around the corner and entries are due before the 15th May.