The Association of Sculptors of Victoria is an inclusive, not-for-profit collective of contemporary artists whose purpose is to inspire,stimulate and advance the appreciation, creation, and exploration of three-dimensional art in society.

President's Letter for September

Gillian Govan

Hi All,

Another month and another month without producing any art work so this time a very brief message. Brief though it is written with sincerity. Sincere as I have some special thanks.

Dates for your Diary

ASV meetings are being held in the Ashburton Baptist Church Meeting Rooms, enter from the Marquis Street carpark Melway 60D9
  • Tesselaar Sculpture Prize - 13th September to 9th October
  • Monthly meeting 9th October in the Ashburton Meeting Rooms, Mary McMahon has suggested a video clip - see the article for more information
  • Monthly meeting in November - what will it be? perhaps the Xmas party?
  • 22 December "Santa" drop off at Herring Island
  • Herring Island Summer Arts Festival - our exhibition will be 11th January to 27th January - early I know so check the article for ways to exhibit without letting the side down or having family feuds.

The September Meeting

Jenny Whiteside demonstrating her tools
Jenny Whiteside commenced her talk with a bit of background about her first piece, carved from Australian Serpentine that she has retained as a yardstick of her achievements and for sentimental reasons. Having made this first work she had a complete change of direction and has never looked back and is very passionate about what she does.

The October meeting and onwards....

Mary McMahon has stepped up again for October offering to show a short video and briefly discuss the work of Nek Chand and his sculpture garden in India. Internet connections willing we will also check in on Bruno’s Garden in Marysville. Showing movie clips from the Internet is a good way to start discussion in a meeting - if anyone else has suggestions they can be added in. The idea of getting more information and possibly a visit from a 3D scanning, modelling and printing company excited a lot of interest when it was discussed in the September meeting - so we are pursuing the idea... keep in touch on that one. Our plans include a Christmas party.

Kinross Art Centre Exhibition

"Isis" by Rachel Boymal

Kinross Arts Centre Exhibition was opened from 31 August to the 15th September.

Tesselaar Sculpture Prize

Andrew Bryant "Hybrid"
The outstanding visual delight of looking at the many rows of very colourful tulips rippling across the fields is a challenging context in which to place contemporary sculpture.

Upcoming ASV Exhibitions

Here is where you find out your next exhibition opportunities - don't miss out!

News Outside the ASV

 In this post you'll find news from Sculpture by the Sea, Lorne Sculpture Biennial, Melbourne Museum, Creative Partnerships Australia, Bolin Bolin Gallery, Southern Way and McClelland Commission and a rumour about an Inge King exhibition.

Michael Meszaros sculpture installed at Melbourne University plus an opportunity

Michael's work at the University of Melbourne
Michael Meszaros has sent us a photo of his University of Melbourne Medical School work.

It symbolises the developing knowledge of the human body and our ability to look into it. It is 2.3 metres high, bronze, unveiled 12th August.

The News from Ballarat

It is disappointing to note that the call for artists at Miners Rest involves the submission of designs prior to appointment or payment of artists. An odd omission from a sculptor.


Unicorn Lane Gallery 1st Anniversary Celebration A Blessing

Google Alerts for September

We've received a few items for September - so enjoy!