The Association of Sculptors of Victoria is an inclusive, not-for-profit collective of contemporary artists whose purpose is to inspire,stimulate and advance the appreciation, creation, and exploration of three-dimensional art in society.

Upcoming ASV Exhibitions

Here is where you find out your next exhibition opportunities - don't miss out!

Herring Island Summer Arts Festival 11 to 27 January 2014

Planning is in hand for the festival - so what about our exhibition? It is proposed for 11th January to 27th January 2014. I’m intending to change the name of the exhibition - it’s had the same one since we started - so this year it’s "Island as place: Sculpture as Narrative" and "Narrative" for short. I’d like the demonstration event to be more active - Christopher Taylor did a great job last year - demonstrating and explaining - this year I thought we could try building ephemeral sculpture in the courtyard - and dismantling it on the last day to demonstrate its recyclable aspects. If you have ideas or would like to share in the planning for our exhibition let Jenny Rickards know on If you would like to sit the exhibition but not exhibit you will be welcomed with open arms by those members who find that difficult - this exhibition is held in what passes for summer holidays - so let’s make it fun!

Melbourne International Flower and Garden Show 26 to 30 March 2014

Working on such a large exhibition is quite a team effort - Mark has agreed to help guide the show and there is already a team of helpers to put this together - but if you can help in some way - great or small - get in touch with Mark on




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