The Association of Sculptors of Victoria is an inclusive, not-for-profit collective of contemporary artists whose purpose is to inspire,stimulate and advance the appreciation, creation, and exploration of three-dimensional art in society.

President's Letter for June 2024

 Editor's inspiration for June:

“Painting is so poetic, while sculpture is more logical and scientific and makes you worry about gravity.” 
 Damien Hirst

The Annual & Awards Exhibition marks the end of the financial year and the middle of the calendar year - all significant or symbolic or what you will… this is a time when we fulfil our promises: to finish work; to show that work to our peers and our visitors; and put our philosophies on the line. 

Do take the time to view the exhibition - preferably in real life but it is also possible to see the work online

Dates for Your Diary

In the planning stage we are working on plenty... but the only set date is the next committee meeting on Thursday evening 18th July. A reminder will be sent prior to the meeting which will be both at the president's home and online. If you wish to place an item on the agenda please notify

otherwise - studio visits, social gatherings and tech talks are all welcome

Annual and Awards Exhibition in VAS Gallery

 last chance to see... in real life in the gallery the show closes on Monday 1 July


Sculpture sessions
Over the 11days in Pietrasanta we carve for a total of 8 days and have a weekend off to explore the surrounding areas.

Hands-On Carving: Under the guidance of master sculptors, participants learn the fundamentals of marble carving. Techniques such as pointing, chiseling, and polishing are demonstrated and practiced. All tools are automated and include the use of Pneumatic chisels, angle grinders, die grinders, sanders and polishers.


Marble Sculpture Workshop in Pietrasanta, Italy

22nd September - 3rd October 2024

with Jenny Whiteside

Just imagine an immersive marble carving workshop in Pietrasanta, Italy, near the world-famous marble mines of Carrara. This workshop offers a unique blend of artistry, cultural immersion, and the inspiring surroundings of one of the world's most renowned marble regions.

PLEASE NOTIFY Jenny as soon as possible to help with booking

Interesting Art

Deakin University is excited to welcome a major gift of 31 contemporary sculptures by internationally recognised artist Mr Andrew Rogers to the University Art Collection. 

Flashback... and thanks to our sponsor


A few years back, Betty Knight demonstrated clay modelling at the Herring Island exhibition. Her finished ceramic head has been proudly entered in the Annual now.


President's Letter & Editor's Comment for May

“Where the spirit does not work with the heart, there is no art.” Da Vinci

As I write, the business of presenting the Annual & Awards exhibition is in the intense phase… acceptance documents, invitations, timelines, catalogues… all the myriad of things that enable us to show our work. I’m looking forward to seeing your work come in - an exciting time of year! The ASV is not the only organisation that runs exhibitions for sculpture. You can show work in the Eltham Rotary, the Toorak Village Sculpture Exhibition and more. In fact it’s mind boggling to follow some of you as you move from exhibition to exhibition to get the widest possible profile for your work. Would some of you report to the newsletter so that we can see what is going on and how sculpture is shown and seen elsewhere in Australia?

There is an interesting line-up of exhibition offerings outside the ASV in the second half of the year - Eltham Rotary Art Show featuring 3D work, Trio Art Studio in Kyneton, Mont Delancey Spring Festival, Toorak Village Sculpture Exhibition, and the Inner West Art Fair. Most of these are short duration exhibitions aiming at fast sales

Social Media

Aukje, our ASV social media guru, has found some very good you tube videos about how to stage lighting for your statues. 

For the Annual exhibition we will have only very limited photography. Every sculptor is expected to provide semi professional photography. 

This is not very hard, now we all have access to smartphones with good cameras, and it’s not very expensive either- if you want to buy equipment. *(eBay) 

Other Opportunities

The Eltham Rotary Club is holding its inaugural 3D Exhibition. Works encompassing Glass, Sculpture, Ceramics, Woodwork & Jewellery are being sought for the exhibition. The exhibition will be held at the Eltham Community Centre and will run from Thursday the 15th of August to Sunday the 18th of August. Entries close on Friday the 15th of July.

For information on the terms and conditions and how to register please go to

INFO FOR ARTISTS - Eltham Art Show

Paul Cacioli, Curator Eltham Rotary Club Inaugural 3D Exhibition

‘A creation is a poem without words’ – Horace


Interesting Art

Do you like carving up big lumps of wood?

Chainsaw artist Kevin Duffy works on a Californian sequoia. - ABC News

For those who know Benalla’s rose garden…

New Members & Members' News

The ASV welcomes these new artists into our organisation:

Maxine Wain, Mandi Oakes, Scott Marriott, Claire Tennant and Jenn Spencer-Stewart. I hope you enjoy your involvement in the ASV and various exhibitions.

Special request from Anne Anderson

“After doing most of the rosters for the ASV exhibitions since 2017, I’d love someone else to take over this job for me. It’s not particularly difficult and I’ve found it to be a great way to get to know other members and their work. You will also be helping out our association, which is solely run by volunteers, without having to be included in any committee involvement.

I would be happy to assist anyone considering taking over, to learn my process. If this sounds like something you’d be interested in doing, please contact me, Anne Anderson, on 0419 706 463.”



  • Rachel Steinmann

I would like to include an article about my upcoming exhibition at Gippsland Regional Gallery beginning June 16th.

15 June to 25 August 2024