The Association of Sculptors of Victoria is an inclusive, not-for-profit collective of contemporary artists whose purpose is to inspire,stimulate and advance the appreciation, creation, and exploration of three-dimensional art in society.

From the President

Hi all
I have just returned from a walk along the esplanade at Portsmouth Harbour, England with friends I have known since 1961. I came across this sculpture that commemorates the friendship between UK and Australia
"Bond of Friendship" John Robinson
Words on each side at the base of this sculpture:

Dates for Your Diary

Mark Cowie "Cloud Tree"
Meetings are usually held at the Ashburton Baptist Church Meeting Rooms entered from the Marquis Street car park. We commence at 7:30pm,
  • 12 October - Mark Cowie to speak about his work. We are likely to meet in the main hall at Ashburton so there will be plenty of room for everyone.
  • 9 November Our AGM speaker to be advised
  • December Christmas Party

Tesselaar Sculpture Prize

"Transition" by Fatih Semiz
The ninth annual Tesselaar Sculpture Prize has been unveiled at the Tesselaar Tulip Festival.

As was to be expected, the judges had a very stimulating yet difficult exercise to undertake given the broad-ranging nature of the sculptures exhibited in the competition. The judges were very impressed by the quality, standard and styles of work presented for their assessment and commented on the innovative and stimulating utilisation of media and presentation.

Sculptor profile: Veronique Derville

"Red Elephant" shown at the
2016 Annual and Awards Exhibition
Born in Germany in 1964, I moved to France, as a teenager and studied a double degree in German Civilisation and Art History in Paris. Since 2000, I have been living in Melbourne with my family.
I have always been exploring my creative mind through a variety of techniques like oil painting, water colouring, drawing and photography, craft, sawing, modelling, ceramics, pottery and many more.

Alerts, other news, exhibitions to see...

Most of the items in this section are shared from links supplied by Google Alerts. Even more information on upcoming exhibitions and opportunities can be found in the Art Almanac. You can subscribe to their e-newsletter - it’s free!

Toolangi Sculpture Trail 6 - 20 November 2016

How to survive the transition to online entry forms.... and still be a sculptor

Every exhibition that the ASV runs is managed by volunteers - and they do an amazing job. We handle invitations, prizes, catalogues, catering, parking permits, coordinate a sitting roster, set up and dismantle and still produce some sculpture ourselves.

In order to continue doing this and stay sane(?) we are looking at online entry forms being the default method of entry for exhibitions. We have been using the forms for data entry for some time now and some of you have already entered online. With the help of Google we now have forms that will send you a record of your submission - and even refuse to take your entry unless you confirm that the work is your original work and you’ve read the conditions. Pretty awesome really.

Google puts the data into a lovely spread sheet for us and that enables us to manage the exhibition - well the paperwork side of it.... and our amazing website designer has produced a system whereby we can upload the new entries to our website with .. well ... a few clicks and not too much swearing ;-)

So for our next exhibitions we’ll post you the Conditions of Entry and a check list of what to do to enter online. And what to do if you have no way of entering online.

The aim is to streamline the administration so that we can all concentrate on our real work - so yes do give us feedback after you have faced the computer and entered your work. The forms will appear on the newsletter website - and will vanish soon after the close of entries.

Good luck everyone - and keep sculpting

Meridian Sculpture Foundry workshops

The last of the special offer workshops is coming up in October.

Meridian Sculpture Foundry are offering ASV members special price of $850 (normally $950) for any booking in 2016. Includes all materials and bronze casting finished and patinated.

To take us up on this offer ASV Members will need to email & book.

Mon 26th & Thurs 29th Oct: 6-9pm
Sat 15th & Sun 16th Oct: 2-5pm

From the President

Gillian Govan
Hi everyone,

Congratulations on a great exhibition…. What is a great exhibition? Does it depend on sales? I have been involved in quite a few of our exhibitions over the years. Three years ago we sold 19 works. Last year only 4 this year 8. But is that the bench mark for a good exhibition? I was at the exhibition quite a lot and listened to the comments from both exhibitors and visitors. The main negative comment was that people were there on business and too busy to look at art. Most looking at their phones instead!

Dates for Your Diary

Unfortunately exact dates are eluding us - for more information on our activities please contact te relevant listed person.
Meetings are usually held at the Ashburton Baptist Church Meeting Rooms entered from the Marquis Street car park. We commence at 7:30pm, 
  • September a visit to Bruce Armstrong’s exhibition at Federation Square - please contact Marija 0435 529 852
  • September - life drawing at Roar Studio - limited places & new location please contact Marija 0435 529 852
  • 12 October - Mark Cowie to speak
  • 9 November Andrew Rogers will speak at the AGM
Marija Patterson, Activities Coordinator

Sculptor Profile: MARTIN GOLDIN

I migrated to Australia from South Africa at the end of 2012, to follow my children, having retired from Ear, Nose and Throat surgery.

"The Eagle has Landed" from the 2016 Annual
I first started sculpting in SA whilst doing my National Service in the army (1969-1970) on South Africa’s northern border along the Limpopo River. My camp was a tented camp out in the bush where I manned a clinic attending to soldiers and the indigenous population. Some of the locals walked up to 50kms to see me and they often brought wooden carvings to try and sell. I realised how beautiful some of the local timber was, together with having a lot of spare time at my disposal, and so I began carving with some very basic tools.

Yarra Valley Arts Small Sculpture Exhibition Applications Now Open

Yarra Valley Arts is excited to announce the Small Sculpture Exhibition - Regeneration to be held in November 2016, coinciding with the Toolangi Sculpture Trail 2016. 

Members' Emails

Thanks to everyone who sent the enthusiastic emails:

An Email from Kevin Free

"A great exhibition, the best yet! For the first time ever in any art show I totally agree with the judges. Curators need a pat on the back, work was well placed and easily viewed. Standards are getting better and better. Sculptors are moving into new areas with different materials and techniques well handled. I feel that the Association is steadily fulfilling its charter and growing to more maturity with each exhibition.

For myself I am not producing much work these days and will be having an open weekend 19th -20th of November to sell off materials, mainly wood and stone, some tools and of course finished work, all welcome.

Kevin Free"

Toolangi Sculpture Trail 2016

Jo Stone's "Lost in an Unfamiliar World" at the Annual Exhib'n
 Sculptors Come to Toolangi Forest

This November the beautiful Mountain Ash forests of Toolangi will provide the backdrop and inspiration for Toolangi Sculpture Trail 2016, an event conceived to celebrate the 20th Anniversary of the International Sculpture Event UNESCO, 1996. 20 years on the trail still endures and from 6-20 November it will become a hub of artistic and environmental activity.

Alerts and other news

These items are shared from links supplied by Google Alerts and a few more randomly generate articles. Even more information on upcoming exhibitions and opportunities can be found in the Art Almanac. You can subscribe to their e-newsletter - it’s free!

Happening Now, Happening Soon

Sculptors are busy with exhibitions all the time - those already up and running and those that you can enter. There's inspiration and opportunity in this section: