Every exhibition that the ASV runs is managed by volunteers - and they do an amazing job. We handle invitations, prizes, catalogues, catering, parking permits, coordinate a sitting roster, set up and dismantle and still produce some sculpture ourselves.
In order to continue doing this and stay sane(?) we are looking at online entry forms being the default method of entry for exhibitions. We have been using the forms for data entry for some time now and some of you have already entered online. With the help of Google we now have forms that will send you a record of your submission - and even refuse to take your entry unless you confirm that the work is your original work and you’ve read the conditions. Pretty awesome really.
Google puts the data into a lovely spread sheet for us and that enables us to manage the exhibition - well the paperwork side of it.... and our amazing website designer has produced a system whereby we can upload the new entries to our website with .. well ... a few clicks and not too much swearing ;-)
So for our next exhibitions we’ll post you the Conditions of Entry and a check list of what to do to enter online. And what to do if you have no way of entering online.
The aim is to streamline the administration so that we can all concentrate on our real work - so yes do give us feedback after you have faced the computer and entered your work. The forms will appear on the newsletter website http://sculperenewsletter.blogspot.com.au - and will vanish soon after the close of entries.
Good luck everyone - and keep sculpting