The Association of Sculptors of Victoria is an inclusive, not-for-profit collective of contemporary artists whose purpose is to inspire,stimulate and advance the appreciation, creation, and exploration of three-dimensional art in society.

President's Letter for February 2013

Hi All.

Oh dear! Another challenging month for the Association. Still no venue for our Annual Exhibition and a website that crashed on us. Despite this Mark Cowie is on track for another great exhibition at the International Flower and Garden Show. I would like to wish all the entrants success and enjoyment but please remember it doesn’t just happen. I am sure Mark would be happy for offers of help particularly in sitting the rosters. For those who did it last year I am sure you will agree it was a worthwhile experience and an opportunity to promote your work and meet fellow sculptors.

We also have to thank Jenny Rickards and her support team for a great effort in making our exhibition during the Summer Festival at Herring Island a great success. Well done Jenny.

The executive committee met last week and discussed many aspect of our Association. A summary of the meeting is included in this newsletter. Please read it as there have been some decisions made that will affect all members. Your comments on these issues are always welcome.

Happy Sculpting
Gillian Govan

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