The Association of Sculptors of Victoria is an inclusive, not-for-profit collective of contemporary artists whose purpose is to inspire,stimulate and advance the appreciation, creation, and exploration of three-dimensional art in society.



1 : Carving
First Prize
Richard Kloester: “Thorn”
photo: Jenny Rickards
2 : Formed, Molded, Ceramics, Mosaics
First Prize
Pauline Meade "Family Tree"
photo: Jenny Rickards

3 : Fabrications, Installations
First Prize
Rudi Jass:”Regrowth”
photo: Jenny Rickards

1 : Carving
Second Prize
Kevin Free: “Sails”
photo Jenny Rickards
2 : Formed, Molded, Ceramics, Mosaics
Second Prize
Elguja Kartvelishvili "Female Torso"
photo: Janice McCarthy
3 : Fabrications, Installations
Second Prize
Andris Osenieks: “Dragon”
photo Jenny Rickards

President’s Message March 2010

Members have been thoroughly enjoying the Melbourne International Flower and Garden Show (MIFGS) from 24 March 2010. We owe thanks to Patrick Culshaw as Coordinator for his very hard work in this respect. A few notes are provided below in Current Activities, pending a more complete report to come.

Members are asked to note the Sculpture by the Sea 2010 Exhibition at Bondi, included in Interstate Activities below. The three new $30,000 Helen Lempriere Sculpture Scholarships will be selected from the applicants for Sculpture by the Sea at Bondi, so interested scholarship applicants will need to meet the conditions for the Bondi Exhibition. The exact closing date for applications may be as soon as 16 April 2010. We appreciate that is not far off but we have had no prior notice of this date. ASV members who are interested in being considered for the Scholarships need therefore to urgently plan a submission for Sculpture by the Sea at Bondi.

This edition includes an essay by Michael Meszaros on Ideas and Style in Sculpture. I think this is a subject worthy of some debate, and am happy to take Letters to the Editor on the subject, or other subjects for that matter, subject to editing.

I apologise to Janice for misstating Janice McCarthy as Judith McCarthy in this section in the last newsletter. To compound the injury we omitted to mention that we sold her “Medusoid” (the silver jellyfish) at Herring Island.
Sorry Janice!

News for future newsletters will have to be cut off on the 15th of each month rather than 20th.

Members are reminded about the need for an Activities Coordinator from 1 May, in order for monthly meetings to be continued. Please consider Committee positions for the 2010/2011 year.
Geoff Williams

ASV Current Activities

Melbourne International Flower and Garden Show (MIFGS): 23 March – 28 March 2010. winning exhibits are shown on the front page of this newsletter. We were very pleased that Peter Schipperheyn agreed to judge the three sections, following a contact made by Bronwyn. Peter’s detailed cv and images of his works can be seen on
Three of Peter Schipperheyn’s works in marble (images from his web site):
“Maschera Maschio” 1992 “Asleep” 1987
“Madonna” 1981

Jenny’s overview picture taken at 8:00 am:
The hard work continues at the time of writing this newsletter, with Patrick supervising the bump out. A detailed report on the Exhibition will be submitted by Patrick Culshaw as MIFGS 2010 Coordinator in next month’s Newsletter.
Mark Cowie has been in training for MIFGS 2011.
We appreciated Kevin Free picking up the commentary at short notice.
Kevin Free in commentary mode, with Geoff Williams and Patrick Culshaw looking on.
Photo: Janice McCarthy
In addition to the prizes listed on the first page, the Without Pier Gallery made a Special Award to Annie Glass forthe overall body of her work.
”Highly Commended” Certificates were also issued to the following:
Section 1: Carving: Nichole Allen: “And Dive”; Betty Collier: “The Cluster”
Section 2: Formed, Moulded, Ceramics, Mosaics: Van Phu Le: “Reminiscence II”; Martin Moore: “The Goanna and the Currawong”
Section 3: Fabrications, Installations Lindsay Butcher: “Obsessive Prority”; Annie Glass: “Alex”

Congratulations to…..
Richard Kloester 
Pauline Meade
Rudi Jass
Elguja Kartvelishvili

Annie Glass

Photos by Janice McCarthy


Michael Meszaros 29 March 2010
A conversation with Geoff Williams about Faustus Sadauskas' exhibition last year has prompted some musings on the sculpture scene over the last few decades. Faustus' work demonstrated how a fresh mind can utilise traditional materials and techniques to express new ideas within what is now considered to be an old fashioned style.

The issue here is what is more important, idea or style?

Art commentators over the last 2 decades or more have concentrated almost exclusively on style, relegating idea and meaning to the almost unnecessary category. The need to be 'cutting edge', new, shocking or radical to be noticed by the commentators, to win prizes or commissions and have work acquired for official collections, has pushed artists into some pretty dubious and desperate areas. The philosophical pronouncements of Foucault have created a generation of philosophical slaves bound by their art school education and academic pressures to follow what is now artistic gospel, if they want to be noticed. Works that set out to understandably express a coherent idea derived from any subject material are discounted as populist, commercial or trite.

This contradicts my own understanding of what art is all about. I always thought that art is one of the last bastions of individual freedom where a person can express their thoughts, feelings and observations in whatever way they please with the aim of communicating their ideas to viewers.
The notion of fashion in art is a basic contradiction of this presumption, reducing it to the level of skirt lengths in women's fashion, which come and go each season. The fallacy there is that the clothing authorities think it is about skirts. Everybody else knows that it is about legs. In art, we should be concentrating on the legs. Let the skirts find their own lengths.

My own experience over 40 years in producing commissioned sculpture when working directly with clients has lead me to the conclusions that:-
1. Any design proposal needs a defensible logic for the client to see the point and to feel confident that he can sell the work to his public.

2. The style of the proposal is of far less relevance than the substance and relevance of the idea.

3. The style of the proposal grows out of the logic of the idea and its communication, the physical
requirements of the work's situation and the available budget.

4. Clients come to me for the approach for which I am known or which my past work demonstrates, rather than the expectation that I will do something in a current fad.

5. Clients who come to me dislike the notion of artistic fads and want something which will continue to have relevance after the fad has passed. They understand that a work in a passing fashion will rapidly become dated because of its style whereas a work with a strong logic done in a style which is relevant to the idea and application will continue to have relevance.
I have come to the conclusion that one of the basics of living as a sculptor has entailed keeping away from fashions and keeping to my own approach. This has brought me relatively little success in open competitions and expressions of interest, but it has kept me busy almost continuously for 40 years with commissions from clients who have sought me out. Sales have been made to buyers who are moved by my work for non-fashionable reasons.

The question every sculptor has to resolve in him or her self is: “How am I going to tackle these
apparently conflicting issues, while getting commissions and selling work, and remaining faithful to my own principles, at the same time”?.

ASV Coming Activities

14th April 2010: ASV Monthly Meeting: Our president Geoff Williams will talk to us about classical and abstract sculptures seen in travels to Italy and Netherlands. Visits included
Rome: Galleria Borghese, Vatican, Capitoline Museum
Florence: Uffizi Gallery, Accademy Gallery
Venice: Peggy Guggenheim Collection
Netherlands: Kroller Muller Sculpture Garden

Future Activities: Gillian Govan is unfortunately going to curtail her contributions to the ASV after April, as has been mentioned in previous newsletters and meetings. Without a replacement for her enthusiastic and energetic support, the monthly meetings will inevitably draw to a close until a volunteer comes forward to manage this aspect of ASV activities.

Gillian’s thoughts for future monthly meetings include:
1. ASV History night. - the origins of the association; about some of the early members and the origins of our awards and sponsors. Photos and talk about past exhibitions
2. More visits to studios and workshops so if anyone has any suggestions or offers I will try to arrange.
3. An information night on techniques: An interesting idea needing planning. Include safety issues
4. Venue: It was suggested we find a venue nearer the Bay. Any one prepared to do some scouting?
5. Bartering and swap meet: Unused tools, books, materials, memorabilia, Could be fun!
Another suggestion was to have a for-sale and wanted section and a question and answer section in the newsletter. More suggestions and offers to help are very welcome.

Other Activities Victoria

Heart Gallery Healesville Art Alliance: a new venture gallery that is currently seekingexhibitors of indoor sculptures: innovative new art as well as more traditional work.
Preference for Healesville area artists but others considered. Contact Christine 5962 6055
Judy Newman: “Birdie” at the Heart Gallery

19 March – 29 August 2010: National Gallery of Victoria: Ian Potter Centre: Collage Exhibition: Collage or gluing or attaching paper, fabric, natural objects and ephemera to create or enhance a work of art. It is the first exhibition at the NGV to focus on this art form and includes collages by Sidney Nolan, James Gleeson, Robert Klippel, Gareth Sansom, Elizabeth Gower, Katherine Hattam, Nick Mangan, Brook Andrew and many others. See
4 Mar – 10 Apr 2010. Maroondah Art Gallery: Kate James – Letting Go. Exploration of anxiety expressed by humans and domestic animals. Telf 9298 4553.

3 March to 3 April 2010: Anita Traverso Gallery: Barry Thompson: Telephone 9428 7557.
22 January to 18 April 2010: National Gallery of Victoria Touring Exhibition: Ron Mueck: A group of major works by Australian born, London based sculptor Ron Mueck: one of the most comprehensive collections of his works ever presented.

2 – 5 April 2010: Wangaratta Sculpture Biennial 2010: Public sculpture competition: Prizes $12,000(permanent outdoor installation) and $3,000 (non-acquisitive). See link:

24 or 25 April 2010: limestone sculpture with Jenny Whiteside at Bulleen Art & Garden.

1 May 2010: Ceramic sculpture with Meredith Plain at Bulleen Art & Garden.

1-31 May 2010: Toorak Village Sculpture Exhibition: Contemporary sculpture works is exhibited in the shop windows and sidewalks of Toorak Rd each year. Prizes of $5,000 $2,000 $1,000 for the most innovative works. See
Robert Hague Phil Coopers
Images courtesy the 2010 Toorak Village Sculpture Exhibition, Toorak Village Traders Ass.

5 to 23 May 2010: aRtECYCLE Annual Exhibition: Annual exhibition of sculpture installations by Moonee Valley City Council; themes of environmentalism and recycling; Non-acquisitive prize pool $10,000; works must engage with the principal themes of environmentalism and recycling... Telf 8325 1750.

Inter-State Activities

To 11 April 2010: Museum of Contemporary Art, Sydney: Olafur Eliasson, Danish-Icelandic artist. Works entitled Take Your Time.
16 April: Closing date for applications to Sculpture by the Sea, Bondi, 2010:
A media statement issued 4 March 2010 stated applications opened on 24 February 2010 and close on 16 April, with the exhibition running from 28 October to 14 November. Another web page stated Submissions close 30 April 2010.
The trustee, Perpetual, of the Helen Lempriere Bequest is offering three Scholarships of $30,000 each to Australian sculptors to enable them to travel, study and undertake opportunities to further their artistic development. The media release dated 4 March states “It is envisaged that the scholarships will be awarded to emerging, mid-year and senior Australian sculptors who, once short listed, will be asked to provide information on how they propose to use the scholarship funds to advance their careers.” There is a curatorial panel consisting of
two from Sydney, one from Geelong and one from Perth. For application forms contact or call 02 8399 0233.

3 May to 21 May 2010: Towers Exhibition by Sculptors Society:

20 May to 29 Aug 2010: Art Gallery of NSW: Dadang Christanto: larger than life sculptures of human suffering. Telephone (02) 9225 1744 See

2 August to 4 September 2010: Darling Park Exhibition: Over 200 works by over 80 sculptors expected. Sculptors Society:

11 October to 5 November 2010: Australia Square & MLC Exhibition by Sculptors Society:

28 October to 14 November 2010: Sculpture by the Sea, Bondi, 2010: The word’s largest free outdoor sculpture exhibition.

4 Dec 2010 to 13 Mar 2011: Art Gallery of NSW: China’s Terracotta Army. Life size warriors and horses. Telephone (02) 9225 1744 See

To End-March 2010: North Tambourine: Antone Bruinsma exhibition: sculptures for landscapes. Songbirds Rainforest Retreat.

To 5 April 2010: Queensland Art Gallery and Gallery of Modern Art: The 6th Asia Pacific triennial of Contemporary Art (APT6) includes the work of more than 100 artists from 25 countries, including collaborations and collectives. It includes new participants from Tibet, North Korea, Turkey, Iran, Cambodia, and Myanmar. Kids APT includes interactive art works and activities. Telephone (0)7 3840 7303 See (no www):

Early May to 4 July 2010: Queensland Art Gallery and Gallery of Modern Art: Contemporary New Zealand Art called “Unnerved”; painting, photography, sculpture and film; strains on unease and malevolence, gothic, arcane, parody and the uncontrollable. Telephone (0)7 3840 7303 See:

8 May to 8 August 2010: Queensland Art Gallery and Gallery of Modern Art: 8 May A group of major works by Australian born, London based sculptor Ron Mueck: one of the most comprehensive collections of his works ever presented. Telephone (0)7 3840 7303 See (no www):

4 to 9 September 2010: Southern Downs Sculpture Symposium. Two weeks, three weekends. Theme of Sculpture in Spring. 5 guest artists work on permanent works to be donated to small communities, and 20 participating sculptors retain ownership in works. Work on Warwick Tanamerah Sandstone. Workshops, Exhibition and Sculptor’s Auction. Interest registered by 2 April 2010.

10 to 19 September 2010: Swell Sculpture Festival, Corrumbin Beach. 55 sculptures of Australian and overseas artists. Entries close 15 March 2010. Telf 07 5525 6392


27 February to 9 May 2010: Art Gallery of South Australia: Before and After Science: About 20 Australian contemporary artists present their vision of our world.

Art Gallery of Western Australia: collection entitled Built forms from the State Art Collection. Architectural representation of order and disorder, containment and collapse, history and everyday reality. Telf 08 9492 6622 (24 hours info), 08 9492 6600 (Reception)

1 May to 22 Aug 2010: Art Gallery of Western Australia: Patricia Piccinini Exhibition: connectivity of ecology and biology. Telf 08 9492 6622 (24 hours info), 08 9492 6600 (Reception)

International News

‘Henry Moore’, Tate Britain, London, to August 8: (
The Financial times February 27 reported on the exhibition, mentioning exhibits include 'Reclining Figure' (1939); ‘Atom Piece (Working Model for Nuclear Energy)’ (1964-65); ‘Tube Shelter Perspective: The Liverpool Street Extension’ (1941). Moore is described as trying to “broaden sculpture’s vocabulary beyond the classical and the fluid modeling of Rodin by exploring primitivism”

11th China Changchun International Sculpture Symposium &1st Arts Symposium of Changchun International Automotive Park Sculpture Proposal Invitation
(August 18 --- September 29, 2010)

Honourable sculptors:
Sincere greetings from Changchun, China﹗
With the theme of Excellence Passion Future Automobiles give us a better life, the 11th China Changchun International Sculpture Symposium and the 1st Arts Symposium of Changchun International Automotive Park will be held from August 18th to September 29, 2010, for promoting international cultural exchanges, sculpture construction of automotive culture and the urban grade of the city as well as expanding the citys international influence and popularity.
If you are interested in this event, you are warmly invited to deliver your applicant sculpture proposals, which may
include different works with stone and cast bronze as main materials, with highlighted themes with deep-seated
auto-culture contents to demonstrate the essence of auto-culture, with maximum size of 3.0-5.0 meters; and those works combining environment and theme of the symposium are especially appreciated. and provide you with more details of an anime introduction and a landscape building site-plan of the Changchun International Automotive Park.
If you want to apply for participating in it, we’d like you:
1. deliver at least three proposals by express or e-mail to the Organizing Committee of the symposium before April 15, 2010.
2. fill and print registration form attached with your passport-size photo and daily photo and resume, and digital photos are no less than 1.00M.
3. submit A4-size color design proposals or photographs of maquettes of proposed sculptures or their digital files in JPEG, BMP or TIF format (no less than 1M). Please specify exact materials, types, colors and dimensions of the proposed sculptures. And your sculpture portfolio is also appreciated. All the applicant proposals will be carefully and extensively reviewed by our nationally noted artists. If any of your proposals gets accepted by the Organizing Committee to be realized during the symposium, you will be officially invited to Changchun for creating it on site during the symposium. Then, you will get more details about your presence here. And also, you will be provided with followings:
1. A diploma of honor, picture album, souvenir and an allowance of US$2000, issued by the organizing committee.
2. Sightseeing activities in Changchun.
3. One or two assistants, materials for creating the sculpture and commonly used processing tools.
4. One-time round-trip economic flight tickets (between your residence and Changchun) and accommodations in Changchun.

If you have any questions, do not hesitate to consult with us.

Best regards.
The Organizing Committee
The 11th China Changchun International Sculpture Symposium &
The 1st Arts Symposium of Changchun International Automotive Park
No.1893 Tongzhi Street, Changchun, 130021, P.R.China Tel:+86-431-85633717 Fax:+86-431-
85670603 E-mail: or
Liaison: Phoebe
Editor Note: The Sculptors’ Society Bulletin of NSW includes photo and article of NSW member Larissa Smagarisnsky with a bronze sculpture in Changchun p.8 of March-April Bulletin 2010.

New Members

Welcome to the following new member:
Alex Bob

Life Model

Belinda Michallef is professional life model and is a member of Melbourne Life Model Society
( She describes herself as 164 cm tall, size 10, with curly shoulder length hair. Telephone 0408 311 821.

Calling all members

If you have a special quotation you'd like to share....use the newsletter
If you have anything for sale or want to buy...... use the newsletter
If you have a handy tip ......use the newsletter
If you have suggestions, views, concerns about the Association.......use the news letter
If you want to volunteer to help....whoopee!..........use the newsletter
… Gillian Govan


Thanks are due to this winery for their continuing support of ASV functions. KOOYONGA CHAPEL WINERY is next to a ribbon of bush that runs from the Great Australian Divide down to Benalla. It is a small winery owned and operated by the Saunders family. The winemaker is Barry Saunders. 20 acres are planted with equal areas of Shiraz, Cabernet Sauvignon, Merlot, Chardonnay and Sauvignon Blanc. First plantings were in 2000. The mild climate extends the ripening period and adds to the complexity and intensity of flavour in the grapes. See:

New Edition of “Sculpture + the enemies”.

New Edition of “Sculpture + the enemies”. See:
This latest edition includes interesting adds for Australian sculpture events, interviews with Australian and overseas sculptors, and a feature on Melbourne’s Herring Island Sculpture Park.
The magazine cover shows William Eicholtz on the right and his assistant on the left; pictured with his sculpture, Impossible Cornucopia: synthetic glazed polymer cement
(3500x1400x1100mm). Photo: Brandon Hocking and William Eicholtz.

ASV Committee 2009 – 2010

ASV Committee 2009 – 2010
Geoff Williams bh 9670 0824
Vice President
Michael Meszaros bh 9853 9610
Treasurer and Public Officer
Patrick Culshaw 9857 9153
John Bishop 9885 2660
Committee members
Marija Patterson 9489 4537
Mark Cowie 5348 5696

ASV Coordinators 2009 – 2010

Monthly Activities
Gillian Govan 9579 1221
Kay Salehi 9808 4056
Web Site:
Jenny Rickards 9836 2738
Jenny Rickards (HISAF); 9836 2738
Patrick Culshaw (MIFGS) 9857 9153
Marija Patterson and Beatrice Magolotti (Annual)

All rights reserved on this newsletter. Copyright © Association of Sculptors of Victoria Inc. 2010.

Herring Island Exhibition 2010

Mandy Newsome: The Custodians - Lucinda Brash: Leaning towards. - Jenny Rickards: Unto Us

Mark Cowie: Spirit Centre (After Blizzard) - Michael Meszaros: Willy Willy - Janice McCarthy: Scaled

President’s Message for February

Another successful Herring island Exhibition, thanks to Jenny Rickards and her team. I was particularly impressed with the serene dignity captured in the works by Mandy Newsome, and those others shown on the front page of this newsletter.

A record 88 entries have been received for the Melbourne Flower & Garden Show. Patrick feels they are of good quality, and members with emails will receive invitations to the Opening.

The Annual Exhibition scheduled for Glen Eira has been deferred and another location selected.
Thanks go to Judith McCarthy volunteering to take on position as Web Site Coordinator when the new web site is established, Beatrice Magalotti for volunteering to help with Annual Exhibition, and Judy Newman for help with posting out newsletters.

Thanks are also due to Kooyonga Chapel Winery for their support on HISAF opening, and their continuing support of ASV functions.

I have to apologise for the late issue of newsletters.

Members are also reminded about the need for a newsletter editor, activities coordinator from 1 May, and for suggestions now to fill Committee positions for the 2010/2011 year.
Geoff Williams

Quote of the Month

“When love and skill work together, expect a masterpiece.” John Ruskin, English critic, essayist, biographer, reformers, artist and poet (1819-1900)

ASV Recent Activities

Herring Island Summer Arts Festival 2010
As I write, Patrick Culshaw, our Treasurer, is processing the 4 sales of work at Herring Island. Sales are not the whole measure of success of an exhibition – but as the selling sculptors will tell you – they are a big help. The successful sculptors were Valda Cuming “Bird Perching” and “Fish Mobile”, Jim Howson “Seed #1” and Richard Kloester “Peanut”.

The rest of us achieved in many ways – all the visitors to the gallery enjoyed the exhibition, the location and the company of the sitting and demonstrating artists – we did provide a full and enriching cultural experience.

The exhibitors are the exhibition team: not only did they provide excellent work but they assisted one another with delivery and collection of work, with sitting and demonstrations, with setting up the show, undertaking all the functions of the opening event, with invitations to friends, family and acquaintance and with maintaining the gallery in presentable order. Personally I enjoy the hands-on nature of exhibiting at Herring Island. Not only do we get to chat with one another whilst sitting the show, but we meet some fascinating visitors and get to contribute to people's appreciation of the arts and of Herring Island.

2010 was the first time that the selection committee has had to reject any number of works – we set the entry deadline for prior to Christmas so that people wouldn't forget about the show over the summer break – it worked and we had to cut the show down from well over 50 entries to our 46 work exhibition – we usually calculate the show on 40 pieces. Thanks go to Mark Cowie for helping with this – not an easy task but the aim was to put together the best overall show. Mind you some people made it easy to reject a work by putting in entries of work they had shown at Herring Island before – long live our online recording system – it helps people check their previous history.

We tried a couple of extensions to our usual repertoire of reporting and recording of the exhibition: as well as the images recorded on the web site we have a Youtube movie of the show on the HISAF news website: and we added artists' comments to the catalogue. Most of the response to these changes was positive – it remains to be seen whether they make any difference to the perceived standard of presentation of the exhibition or to people's enjoyment of it. I don't know if the catalogue notes can be included on the new web site or indeed if this is desirable – we shall see what transpires there.

Thanks go again to the Herring Island Summer Arts Festival committee – the ASV gains a great deal from the collaboration between the arts groups and the festival itself is gaining in reputation and fame every year – congratulations to all the exhibitors on their work and their contribution.
Jenny Rickards
ASV- HISAF coordinator

Monica in full flight.......... Jenny at the hard yakka

ASV Monthly Meeting at Jenny Whiteside’s Studio, February 10:

„Green Goddess‟ ......................."Xena‟ ........................................"Magnus‟
Copyright Jenny Whiteside © 2010 All rights reserved
A warm evening for the meeting but was well attended by some new members as well as long-standing members. It was great to see some country members too. It was a very exciting, informative, and inspiring meeting.
At the start of the meeting Patrick showed us some of the entries for the International Flower and Garden Show, which I think, prompted those of us who have not yet put in our entries.
When Michael Meszarros arrived he presented pieces of communication. He then explained that the new web site is looking good but we need some members to become involved with the idea that we have one person managing it and several other members knowledgeable enough to step in or access data. Michael then passed on a message from our president expressing the need for members to take over as Treasurer, Public Officer, Activities organiser and Newsletter editor.
Judy Newman agreed to distribute the postal newsletters. I will try to find another speaker for May and then stand down and Patrick is prepared to continue as Public officer.
Business part of meeting was closed with Michael stating that if we did not get members to fill the positions we may have to employ someone so that we can maintain a good, well balanced, professional association. But this would mean increasing membership fees.
Jenny then commenced her talk with a bit of background about her first piece, carved from Australian Serpentine that she has retained as a yardstick of her achievements and for sentimental reasons. Having made this first work she had a complete change of direction and has never looked back and is very passionate about what she does.
Jenny showed us the tools she uses and the stone and explained how she has sourced them from overseas, the stone from Canada and the better tools from Italy.
She told us about the different stones, their hardness, colour and workability then she explained the process from the initial cutting, sometimes with a chain saw to carving, sanding and finally waxing and polishing.
We were able to see some of the beautiful stones she has on hand as well as some finished works and photographs of sold pieces.
Jenny was most enthusiastic about the symposiums she has been on and urged members to think about taking part in one. She also holds workshops at her studio and at Bulleen Art and Gardens.
Over all it was a great evening with all members taking part in lively questioning and learning a great deal from each other as well as Jenny about sculpting in stone. Thank you Jenny for a terrific evening.
See her website at:
Gillian Govan

Note to Members: Succession in ASV Committee Positions

Much has been written, spoken and pleaded regarding the filling of positions on the ASV executive, exhibition coordinators and other duties. To a great degree, the same old people volunteer to do the work again and again, but they are getting tired and are retiring from their positions. New blood is needed if the ASV is to continue its calendar of activities. There are currently positions available and there will soon be more.

One of the problems seems to be that new people are daunted by the prospect of taking on seemingly complex jobs with little or no experience in such things.

To overcome this problem we are working towards a system where a new volunteer works with the existing holder of a position for a year in an apprentice-like manner so that when they take over the position the next year, they will be familiar with what has to be done. Even after that, the previous person would generally be available to give advice when things are difficult or memory fails. We are also trying to document our procedures more precisely so that organisation is not based solely on memory.

Bearing these points in mind, we are asking each member not currently involved to consider how he or she could participate actively in the running of the ASV, and make a more of a contribution to the work that makes things happen.

Many members who have taken on positions have later commented how much they have learned and how they have benefited from the experience. This was despite having been afraid of the job at the beginning.
Michael Meszaros

ASV Coming Activities

Melbourne International Flower and Garden Show (MIFGS): 23 March – 28 March 2010. Information to be issued shortly and can be downloaded from ASV web site. Sub-Committee of Helpers wanted: apply Patrick.

Images of Judge‟s prizes from last year:
Jim Howson
Jan Indrans
Lise Toft

Mary van den Broek

Copyright © Association of Sculptors of Victoria Inc. 2010

10th March 2010: ASV Monthly Meeting: Jim Howson will come to the meeting and talk about his journey in Sculpture. “My work is a unique blend of three dimensional and skeletal appearance that draws out the essential qualities of steel and timber, producing an effect of changeable rhythms and free movement which is reinforced from different view-points.” Jim will be travelling from Geelong so it would be good to have a full house. See his website
Images Copyright © 2010: Jim Howson

14th April 2010: ASV Monthly Meeting: Our president Geoff Williams will talk to us about classical and abstract sculptures seen in travels to Italy and Netherlands. Visits included
Rome: Galleria Borghese, Vatican, Capitoline Museum
Florence: Uffizi Gallery, Accademy Gallery
Venice: Peggy Guggenheim Collection
Netherlands: Kroller Muller Sculpture Garden

Future Activities: Repeating the previous newsletter note, Gillian has received some interesting suggestions for activities.
1. History night- We have some interesting members who could tell us about the origins of the association; about some of the early members and the origins of our awards and sponsors. Photos and talk about past exhibitions
2. More visits to studios and workshops so if anyone has any suggestions or offers I will try to arrange.
3. An information night on techniques: An interesting idea needing planning. Include safety issues
4. Venue: It was suggested we find a venue nearer the Bay. Any one prepared to do some scouting?
5. Bartering and swap meet: Unused tools, books, materials, memorabilia, Could be fun!
Another suggestion was to have a for-sale and wanted section and a question and answer section in the newsletter. More suggestions and offers to help are very welcome. … Gillian Govan

Other Activities Victoria

Heart Gallery Healesville Art Alliance: a new venture gallery that is currently seeking exhibitors of indoor sculptures: innovative new art as well as more traditional work. Preference for Healesville area artists but others considered. Contact Christine 5962 6055

19 March – 29 August 2010: National Gallery of Victoria: Ian Potter Centre: Collage Exhibition: Collage or gluing or attaching paper, fabric, natural objects and ephemera to create or enhance a work of art. It is the first exhibition at the NGV to focus on this art form and includes collages by Sidney Nolan, James Gleeson, Robert Klippel, Gareth Sansom, Elizabeth Gower, Katherine Hattam, Nick Mangan, Brook Andrew and many others. See

4 Mar – 10 Apr 2010. Maroondah Art Gallery: Kate James – Letting Go. Exploration of anxiety expressed by humans and domestic animals. Telf 9298 4553.

10 March to 28 March 2010: Suzanne Kaldor in Hallmark Art Group Exhibition: Yarra Sculpture Gallery: 117 Vere St Abbotsford 3067 Open Wed – Sun 12.00-5.30 Telf 9419 6177.

3 March to 3 April 2010: Anita Traverso Gallery: Barry Thompson: Telephone 9428 7557.

22 January to 18 April 2010: National Gallery of Victoria Touring Exhibition: Ron Mueck: A group of major works by Australian born, London based sculptor Ron Mueck: one of the most comprehensive collections of his works ever presented.

2 – 5 April 2010: Wangaratta Sculpture Biennial 2010: Public sculpture competition: Prizes $12,000 (permanent outdoor installation) and $3,000 (non-acquisitive). See link:

24 or 25 April 2010: limestone sculpture with Jenny Whiteside at Bulleen Art & Garden.

1 May 2010: Ceramic sculpture with Meredith Plain at Bulleen Art & Garden.

1-31 May 2010: Toorak Village Sculpture Exhibition: Contemporary sculpture works is exhibited in the shop windows and sidewalks of Toorak Rd each year. Prizes of $5,000 $2,000 $1,000 for the most innovative works. See

Robert Hague ............................ Phil Coopers

Images courtesy the 2010 Toorak Village Sculpture Exhibition, Toorak Village Traders Ass.

5 to 23 May 2010: aRtECYCLE Annual Exhibition: Annual exhibition of sculpture installations by Moonee Valley City Council; themes of environmentalism and recycling; Non-acquisitive prize pool $10,000; works must engage with the principal themes of environmentalism and recycling... Telf 8325 1750.

Inter-State Activities


1 to 26 Mar 2010: Mosman Festival of Sculpture:

To 11 April 2010: Museum of Contemporary Art, Sydney: Olafur Eliasson, Danish-Icelandic artist. Works entitled Take Your Time.

20 May to 29 Aug 2010: Art Gallery of NSW: Dadang Christanto: larger than life sculptures of human suffering. Telephone (02) 9225 1744 See

4 Dec 2010 to 13 Mar 2011: Art Gallery of NSW: China’s Terracotta Army. Life size warriors and horses. Telephone (02) 9225 1744 See


To End-March 2010: North Tambourine: Antone Bruinsma exhibition: sculptures for landscapes. Songbirds Rainforest Retreat.

To 5 April 2010: Queensland Art Gallery and Gallery of Modern Art: The 6th Asia Pacific triennial of Contemporary Art (APT6) includes the work of more than 100 artists from 25 countries, including collaborations and collectives. It includes new participants from Tibet, North Korea, Turkey, Iran, Cambodia, and Myanmar. Kids APT includes interactive art works and activities. Telephone (0)7 3840 7303 See (no www):

Early May to 4 July 2010: Queensland Art Gallery and Gallery of Modern Art: Contemporary New Zealand Art called “Unnerved”; painting, photography, sculpture and film; strains on unease and malevolence, gothic, arcane, parody and the uncontrollable. Telephone (0)7 3840 7303 See:

8 May to 8 August 2010: Queensland Art Gallery and Gallery of Modern Art: 8 May A group of major works by Australian born, London based sculptor Ron Mueck: one of the most comprehensive collections of his works ever presented. Telephone (0)7 3840 7303 See (no www):

4 to 9 September 2010: Southern Downs Sculpture Symposium. Two weeks, three weekends. Theme of Sculpture in Spring. 5 guest artists work on permanent works to be donated to small communities, and 20 participating sculptors retain ownership in works. Work on Warwick Tanamerah Sandstone. Workshops, Exhibition and Sculptor‟s Auction. Interest registered by 2 April 2010.

10 to 19 September 2010: Swell Sculpture Festival, Corrumbin Beach. 55 sculptures of Australian and overseas artists. Entries close 15 March 2010. Telf 07 5525 6392


27 February to 9 May 2010: Art Gallery of South Australia: Before and After Science: About 20 Australian contemporary artists present their vision of our world.


4 March – 23 March, 2010: Sculpture by the Sea, Cottesloe Beach Perth WA Over 60 local, interstate and international artists will transform Perth‟s most popular beach into a stunning sculpture park overlooking the Indian Ocean. Cost: Free Enquiries: or phone +61 8 9384 3885.

Art Gallery of Western Australia: collection entitled Built forms from the State Art Collection. Architectural representation of order and disorder, containment and collapse, history and everyday reality. Telf 08 9492 6622 (24 hours info), 08 9492 6600 (Reception)

1 May to 22 Aug 2010: Art Gallery of Western Australia: Patricia Piccinini Exhibition: connectivity of ecology and biology. Telf 08 9492 6622 (24 hours info), 08 9492 6600 (Reception)

ASV Member Spot

In his Melbourne studio German-born sculptor Rudi Jass creates water features and sculptures characterised by clean flowing lines. The piece “column” was envisaged to be a beacon standing near the water edge, and was made for the Williamstown Contemporary Art Festival. The piece “Regrowth” was envisaged to represent seed pods which split open when burned to show a new fresh little seed inside: followed reflection on the bushfires last year and how much of the burnt landscape becomes green again, and made for the flower festival.