The Association of Sculptors of Victoria is an inclusive, not-for-profit collective of contemporary artists whose purpose is to inspire,stimulate and advance the appreciation, creation, and exploration of three-dimensional art in society.

President's Letter (and inspiration from Auguste Rodin via our editor)

 Where did I learn to understand sculpture? In the woods by looking at the trees, along roads by observing the formation of clouds, in the studio by studying the model, everywhere except in the schools.”

— Auguste Rodin

Happy New Financial Year everyone,

Van Phu Le "Who am 1? Who are They?" 
We put on a great performance at the Annual and Awards Exhibition - a glittering show of art and artistry. We celebrated our winners and acknowledged that every work had serious merit - except for Aukje van Vark’s Happy Dance which was seriously happy. And congratulations to the winner of the People’s Choice Award - Van Phu Le for “Who am I? Who are they?” and runner up Sue Smales for “BooBook”

Dates for your Diary

Thursday 3 August

ASV Committee meeting

Wednesday 9 August

Show and Tell at Gillian Govan's home. Contact Gillian Govan

4 September

Entries close Art on the Hill exhibition 


Get your sculptures ready for the wonderful “Art on the Hill’!

Coming soon, in the beautiful green Wandin hills at the Mont DeLancey Mansion. Mont De Lancey

Art on the Hill   

Invitation from Paul Cacioli either by email ( or by mobile (0429575299) for entry information.

Other Opportunities and Interesting Art

Read on for more news on exhibitions to enter and inspirations to see

New Members

Welcome to these new members, may they share their wonderful creativity with us through our exhibitions. Siouxsan-Claire Major, Fred Toumayam, Scott Sheil and a belated welcome to Patrick Flanagan who has been a member now for a few months