The Association of Sculptors of Victoria is an inclusive, not-for-profit collective of contemporary artists whose purpose is to inspire,stimulate and advance the appreciation, creation, and exploration of three-dimensional art in society.

From the President

the chips are down...
making sawdust
We are looking forward to the Annual & Awards Exhibition 2023 at the Victorian Artists Society galleries. The entries are in, the images on their way, advertising and invitations are in production or already circulating and the organising of documentation and recording is under way. This is the intense phase of administration and here we see the fine work of a number of volunteers.

Dates for Your Diary

Catching up with fellow sculptors! Lockdowns meant that we got out of the habit of catching up with each other and talking about forms and materials, tools, techniques and philosophy. On the other hand we discovered that online meetings mean we talk with with regional sculptors without travelling on cold wet windy wintry nights to catch up with colleagues. So, in the interests of trying everything ….
  • In June we will meet online to talk over the Annual Exhibition,


Our ASV society runs on volunteers. Therefore, when the need arises an urgent request is put out to the wonderful, creative artists in this group. Please help with social media. It’s not as formidable a task that it sounds. As Gillian wrote: Art lovers won’t come to the exhibition if they don’t know it is on. “ Social media support request…We are all excited for our annual and awards exhibition in the Victorian artists society this year- I am sure. To get as many visitors as we can- we need publicity. Social media is a fantastic way to promote our work, our exhibitions and get the news out to Art lovers out there. This year we are running into a small problem; I am away during the annual.

ASV Exhibitions

ASV Annual and Awards Exhibition

15th June to 3rd July The Annual and Awards Exhibition

Other Opportunities

Lots of information has come in this month - check out all of them!

Interesting Art

Follow the links to arts news that has come in over the month:

Museum of Underwater Art's 'ocean sentinel' sculptures sunk on Great Barrier Reef - ABC News