The Association of Sculptors of Victoria is an inclusive, not-for-profit collective of contemporary artists whose purpose is to inspire,stimulate and advance the appreciation, creation, and exploration of three-dimensional art in society.

Website News

In this article - first a reminder to make the most of the link on your profile page, then a report on progress on updating our website.


I have noticed that many member’s websites are not accessible from the list of sculptors. For your own benefit, please go to our website and check to see if this is an issue for you. If so, please adhere to the following instructions to ensure viewers can have direct access to your website via the link:

After logging in, go to the Member Profile, then select My Sculptor Details and fill in external website url info. To do this, please note that the whole web address needs to be entered - including the prefix http:// or https://

The easiest way to get that right is to open your website in your browser and copy the web address as it registers in the address bar at the top of the page. Copy and paste is your friend here, then test the link and things should work well.

Thank you,
Anne Anderson

Progress report for the ASV website

As requested by the 2022 committee, the core committee and newsletter editor of the ASV have had two meetings with Alberto Martinez, our website designer. One meeting online and one face to face at the Camberwell Community Centre using their lovely, big screen digital display.

We are working to retain our extensive dynamic database with its interaction between exhibition records and individual sculptor profiles and to shift its functions to a new platform. This will preserve the basic functions and upgrade performance and appearance. We have looked at the needs of the current website and planned our way forward in three broad elements:

  • We will run a minimal refresh on the existing website to tide us over until the rebuilt website can be launched
  • We will rebuild our website on a new platform preserving the dynamic sculpture records and membership records functions
  • We will split off most of the administrative work of committee and exhibition management to Google Workspace (which we already use for our exhibition entry forms)
To achieve this we are setting up sub committees for each function - with some overlap of personnel. These sub committees will work with Alberto to develop a brief, budget and timelines for the project and keep the ASV informed of progress.

Jenny Rickards website contact

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