The Association of Sculptors of Victoria is an inclusive, not-for-profit collective of contemporary artists whose purpose is to inspire,stimulate and advance the appreciation, creation, and exploration of three-dimensional art in society.

Visit to Mal Wood’s Foundry

Mal prepared and delivered demonstrations and explanations for the stages of wax preparation, investing or ceramic shell moulding, bronze pouring and finally patenation.... His advice? Research as much as you can before going to a foundry because the methods and finishes vary amazingly and you can get great variety to suit your style but you must communicate it to your foundry.
setting up the moulds
crucible exiting the furnace

the pour

saving the excess
There were demonstrations of just about every aspect of the foundry’s work.... including the alchemy of patenation - a really big thank you to Mal for a comprehensive tour of the foundry and its processes.... thank you for the time not only for the talk but also what must have been considerable preparation for this thorough look at foundry work. We all came away inspired and impressed.
The unfinished bronze

the variety of styles...

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