The Association of Sculptors of Victoria is an inclusive, not-for-profit collective of contemporary artists whose purpose is to inspire,stimulate and advance the appreciation, creation, and exploration of three-dimensional art in society.

July Letter from the President

Gillian Govan
How would you like to be involved in the running of Victoria’s premier sculpture organisation? Sounds grandiose doesn’t it? But as a member, you are part of this association with a great 80 year history in the arts.

The history makes interesting reading as the association has gone through many wonderful and difficult times. Its enthusiastic members have always brought it through. These are challenging times with down turn and uncertainty in the economy and therefore low art sales but we still keep working because we love making sculpture and the association moves on.


We were saddened to hear of the death of Jean Carson Gray.

Deepest sympathy to her family and friends.

Jean Carson Gray "Little Bull" shown at the 2007 Annual Exhibition

Jean has been a member of the ASV for many years, was a very talented artist and sculptor and contributed a great deal to us over a long period of time. She started a group called the “Eclectics” by inviting a group of like minded artists to join.

Meetings in July

..... The July meeting was a party ..... with a purpose ...

The 2012 AGM and other Diary Dates

Dates for Your Diary

August Meeting - 15 August - AGM
Complete with discussion on pricing your work and running a business as an artist

September Meeting - 12 September
Tesselaar Sculpture Prize
- 13 September to 9 October

Working with Foundries and Fabricators Overseas

Todd Stuart is a new member with extensive experience working with foundries and fabricators in China and the Middle East. His approach is different to our accustomed way of working and this article should provide food for thought and discussion.
editor's note

I am writing as I thought it would be interesting for some to share a little of my experiences in regards to trading with foundries that produce sculpture in the Far East (China). Why would you want to deal with an international foundry you ask? Perhaps you want to fit your client’s budget constraints, offer larger works for the same cost or simply produce more of your own work with less financial risk. But for most the risk of receiving inferior quality items is too great.

ASV Annual and Awards Exhibition

Yarra Sculpture Space 17 October to 4 November 2012


The two awards sections of the Annual Exhibition were instigated by significant sculptors in the ASV’s history. Read more about the development of the sections, the judging and the prizes in the history of the ASV on our website.

Odd Spot

I was attracted to this article in the ABC online about a sculpture installed for the London Olympics Of course ABC copyright is such that I can’t use their image to illustrate the article - fortunately you can also see the work in the artist’s studio on You Tube

News and Opportunities

Free Networking Forum for Artists

Sunday 7th October 2pm-4pm
Monuments, memorials, and civic statues are one of the most commonly encountered forms of public art, created to commemorate a person, important event,  historic architecture or cultural heritage. Join 3 panelists, industrial leaders and experts in the area of public art in Australia and internationally.
 Ken Scarlett, OAM, Peter Corlett and Dean Bowen.  Not to be missed. Booking is essential and places are limited. For more information 9556 4440 or visit


Shortlisted artists announced for the Mt Buller Sculpture Award 10 Jun 2012