The Association of Sculptors of Victoria is an inclusive, not-for-profit collective of contemporary artists whose purpose is to inspire,stimulate and advance the appreciation, creation, and exploration of three-dimensional art in society.

June and Onwards

Our June meeting will be held in the warmth and comfort of the home of Gordon Robertson who has kindly offered hospitality for the evening. At 44 Newham Grove Ormond Mel Ref. 68 E8 on Wednesday 13th June at 7.30 pm
Our speaker will be Benjamin Gilbert who Heads the Agency of Sculpture in Yakandanda, Victoria. AoS encompasses a highly skilled group of established sculptors,architecture graduates and qualified tradesmen; capable of generating and realising meaningful and practical design solutions.

A Passion for sculptural quality coupled with pragmatic rural sensibility forms the foundation of Benjamins pluralistic methods.

He works in various materials such as ice, timber, metal and more recently stone. He had four years practical experience in Europe and Russia and hold a postgraduate degree in fine arts from the University of Tasmania.

He has won competitions for his work including the NAB children’s choice award in Sydney Bondi By the Sea in 2008 and has been awarded commissions in Victoria and N.S.W Scandinavia and the Baltics.

For more information about this most interesting Sculptor go to

Our July meeting will be a social evening with the opportunity to meet new members, and friends who for various reasons are no longer members. A bit of a reunion. It will be good to have a catch up with some old friends and hear about their lives and sculpture experiences and aspirations. Venue and details will be in the next newsletter.

Apologies to all those enthusiastic people who would like to visit the Fasham Factory . It has been rather difficult to organise a time but will let you know as soon as I can.

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