The Association of Sculptors of Victoria Inc.
The Association of Sculptors of Victoria is an inclusive, not-for-profit collective of contemporary artists whose purpose is to inspire,stimulate and advance the appreciation, creation, and exploration of three-dimensional art in society.
Robert Lee – a Perspective on InstallationsWednesday the 11th March at the monthly meeting our new Activities co-ordinator – Suzanne Kaldor – had organised a very interesting talk by Robert Lee.Robert is a member of the ASV and many other Arts organisations. He is a mixed media artist - working with unusual combinations of 'found' materials. He draws upon his training in ceramics, sculpture, photography, printmaking, painting & drawing to create rich and resonant works.His illustrated talk on “Installation Art” was highly informative and well presented. He took us through the begins of this art form with illustrations of work by such people as Judy Chicago (her famous "Dinner Party"), Christo (wrapping half the Sydney coast line in 1968), Barbara Kruger (text based installations) and the extraordinary forms of Rachel Whitehead (cast negative spaces) Rachel had literally torn houses down to extract her mouldings of the “negative space” under the stairs!Then there was the explosive work (literally and metaphorically) of Cornelia Parker who must have spent thousands of hours reconstructing a life size three dimensional picture of an exploding garden shed just milliseconds after ignition. Every piece meticulously gathered and hung in the exact spot as recorded by high speed cameras. Installation for a show took her one month!Others followed including, Christian Boltanski ("Missing people" installations) and Australians Lauren Berkowitz (seed/pollen/transient art), Rosalie Gascoigne (Mixed media works), Gwyn Hansenn Piggott (ceramic installations), and Bill Viola (video art).Robert finished with pictures of his own work and discussed his thought process behind many of them. He included his “Golden Vessels" installation which was exhibited overseas.Our thanks go to Robert for the time and effort put into the preparation of the talk and to Suzanne for organising it.
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