John Wooller as President and Chairman opened the meeting at 9.30 pm on 12 November 2008. He noted 17 members were present, with apologies from another 7 members.
The Treasurer’s report was read by Patrick Culshaw and accepted. It showed a surplus of $814 for the year ended 30 June 2008 ($2,418 in the previous year). A summary is included in this newsletter, or for email contact members is posted on the website at
The Membership Report was read by Ronit Freedman and accepted. It showed 130 members as at June 2008 (137 June 2007), with 24 new members joining during the year. Our current membership is 108 financial members, the reduction being due to non renewals.
Exhibition Reports were discussed and accepted:
A Report on Herring Island Exhibition, read by Jenny Rickards;
A Report on Melbourne International Flower & Gardens Show, by Bronwyn Culshaw;
A Report on the ASV Annual Exhibition 2008, by Bronwyn Culshaw;
A Report on the Tesselaar Show by Mark Cowie.
A Report on the Web Site was made by Jenny Rickards and accepted.
A Report on the Newsletter was made by Jenny Rickards and accepted. Feedback and comments from members were requested.
A report on Activities was made by Gilliam Govan and accepted.
A report on the Constitution was treated as read, as included in the last newsletter.
At the request of the Chairman, Jenny Rickards gave a short summary of the motions she proposed, as listed in the Agenda.
Due to the late time, and the understanding that no Quorum existed, the Chairman adjourned the meeting to the same place in one week’s time.
John Wooller as President and Chairman re-opened the meeting at 7.30 pm on 19 November 2008. He noted that 11 members were present, and, as circulated by email to members, the new Constitution had been accepted with 5 additional clauses by Consumer Affairs with immediate effect on 12 November 2008. He said that he would therefore carry on the previous meeting on the basis that it was a legitimate AGM with an adequate quorum under the new Constitution. He observed that the 11 members currently present in this adjourned meeting also constituted a quorum under the new Constitution.
The Chairman asked for nominations for positions as Officers under the new Constitution for 2009:
President: there were no nominations.
Vice-President: Geoff Williams was appointed.
Secretary: Leon Frankcom was appointed.
Treasurer: Patrick Culshaw was appointed.
Public Officer: Patrick Culshaw was appointed.
Ordinary Member1 of Committee: Denise Dempsey was appointed.
Ordinary Member2 of Committee: Marija Patterson was appointed.
The position as President remaining unfilled, Geoff Williams agreed to be Acting President.
The Chairman asked for volunteers for other positions for 2009.
Jenny Rickards volunteered to coordinate Herring Island Exhibition.
Patrick Culshaw volunteered to coordinate Melbourne International Flower & Garden Show
Bronwyn Culshaw, Gillian Govan, Marija Patterson volunteered to coordinate the Annual Exhibition.
Mark Cowie, John Wooller volunteered to coordinate Tesselaar Exhibition.
Ronit Freedman volunteered to keep membership records, but not renewals.
Leon Frankcom volunteered general help on membership matters.
Jenny Rickards volunteered to maintain the newsletter to end February depending on the outcome of discussion on the membership clauses.
Jenny Rickards volunteered to negotiate with David Ormiston Smith on continuity of the web site.
It was acknowledged that these positions were appointments to be made by the Committee.
The positions for controlling monthly activities, publicity, donor support, and services and supplies directory, appeared vacant from 1 January 2009, with newsletter coordination and website coordination possibly being vacant from 1 March 2009.
The Chairman asked for discussion of the motions proposed by Jenny Rickards, one at a time.
It was unanimously agreed to reconsider the membership clauses.
The second motion was withdrawn with renewed membership of ArtsLaw by the ASV.
It was unanimously agreed that the Committee develop policy guidelines on exhibitions, keeping in mind services to members.
The fourth motion was amalgamated with the third on policy guidelines.
The fifth motion was withdrawn with the move of the Annual to Manningham for 2009.
The Committee was asked to review fee reductions for members electing to receive notices and newsletter via email.
In Any Other Business, a vote of thanks was made to Jenny Rickards and Robert Lee for organizing Herring Island. Ideas were canvassed regarding Melbourne International Flower & Garden Show.
A vote of thanks was made to John Wooller for his work as President.
More detailed minutes may be obtained from the Secretary in due course.
Geoff Williams Secretary 2007-8