The Association of Sculptors of Victoria is an inclusive, not-for-profit collective of contemporary artists whose purpose is to inspire,stimulate and advance the appreciation, creation, and exploration of three-dimensional art in society.

President's Letter and Editor's Inspiration

Sculpture is the art of the hole and the lump”. Auguste Rodin
Happy New Year one and all!

Amazingly we are in the midst of an exhibition on Herring Island. We a week from notification to set-up!

As you can imagine, the organisation, delivery etc wasn’t easy but we have an exhibition - slightly smaller than usual and topped up with previously shown work as well as sporting a few amazing pieces of new work... Well done everyone!

The exhibition can be viewed here: and there is a sound file of the opening remarks. You have weekends until 2 February to see the exhibition and the island for real.

Now to business: entries are due on March 3 for the Sculpture Garden at MIFGS. This exhibition is a serious undertaking and not only do you need suitable outdoor work to display but you can also participate in the workshops and meet and greet activities of this really busy exhibition.

There will be meetings - mostly get-togethers to talk about our work and lives as sculptors but also a little house keeping to keep the ASV running as an exciting community.

Our new website should go live in the first half of the year and we will have a new exhibition location in Castlemaine Market Hall.

So, plenty to look forward to in this year where we hit the ground at a sprint...

And below are happy snaps from the exhibition on Herring Island

Happy Sculpting
Jenny Rickards President

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