The Association of Sculptors of Victoria is an inclusive, not-for-profit collective of contemporary artists whose purpose is to inspire,stimulate and advance the appreciation, creation, and exploration of three-dimensional art in society.

President's Chat - Editor's Inspiration

"Where did I learn to understand sculpture? In the woods by looking at the trees, along roads by observing the formation of clouds, in the studio by studying the model, everywhere except in the schools.”
 Auguste Rodin    

The Wheels were spinning…

Life goes on and sometimes we throw up a bit of mud for no good outcome - and sometimes good fortune falls into our laps. So it is with our exhibition at McClelland Sculpture Park and Gallery: just as Herring Island threatened to be just too hard we received an offer that is too good to refuse. So let us make the most of our exhibition in the Sarah and Baillieu Myer Pavilion and greet a new audience of people on the Mornington Peninsula in the Summer - a bush holiday near the sea - what’s not to like.

Notice of the AGM

Dates for Your Diary

 Sunday 29 October

We are invited to a gathering at Jude Bridges-Tull’s place on the 29th October. Have you remembered to RSVP? We had a pleasant Sunday chat at last summer’s gathering - Jude knows how to make us welcome and has another inspiring speaker lined up for us. See you there.. And thank you Jude and Kerry.

Next Meet and Greet

We still need some people to host this excellent casual time. You choose the time so we can come and talk art ! We all love to talk about sculptures.

Please respond via email to ASV. Thanks, your favourite Editor

Wednesday 15 November 

Our Annual General Meeting starts at 7:30 Camberwell Community Centre and online 

All are welcome. Guest speaker to be announced

Please consider how you can help our wonderful creative sculpture group. Remember: More hands, light work

Sunday 3 December

Christmas - end of year Gathering

All are welcome! 
7 Lamorna Court Eltham 0414996207
Carmel Ritchie

Wednesday 13 December

Close of entries Form + Philosophy @ McClelland Sculpture Park and Gallery 
An exhibition of our work at McClelland Sculpture Park and Gallery. 
Coming January 17 to 28, 2024
ASV will present “Form + Philosophy” - sculpture from living Victorian sculptors in all their diversity of philosophy, media and expression.

Monday 4 March 2024

Close of entries MIFGS 2024. The Melbourne International Flower and Garden. Show dates are as follows: 
MIFGS 20th of March to the 24th of March 2024

ASV Exhibitions

 Annual and Awards Exhibition 2024

“I am happy to support a new coordinator. This is your exhibition and the highlight of ASV exhibiting year.

We need you. Please help out.”

If you are happy to take part please call Gillian Govan on 0412122884.

Progress on our two exhibitions which are currently open to enter

Entry information for both the Flower Show (MIFGS) and our exhibition at McClelland Sculpture Park and Gallery is available at

Notes from the ART on the HILL

We had a wonderful experience at the Art on the Hill Exhibition.

I put a short post on Facebook and a lady contacted me almost immediately on Messenger. She has a client who is sight impaired.

He loves art but galleries have refused to let him touch sculpture. This is his only way of seeing so has been very disappointed. His carer asked if we would allow him to touch our sculptures. I said I thought this was possible under supervision and contacted Paul. He was delighted to be able to share the work with him. He went around explaining which he could touch and those he could not touch, he described why, the colour, the texture and the materials. Those he touched he was able to make deep and meaningful comments about. Both Paul and I were emotionally affected by this experience.

Paul and Jude have had similar experiences at MIFGS and Herring Island and I hope in the future we will be able to show more sight impaired art lovers, our sculptures. Obviously, this would need supervision and organising but it is so worthwhile.

Gillian Govan

Opportunities and interesting art

Most of our active sculptor members exhibit in outside exhibitions. This expands both the number and range of exhibition experiences and enables you to learn from seeing a diversity of work and meeting the makers. We should get together and pool our calendars so that you can maximise your experience and minimise the stress of moving between shows. One way of course is the collaboration between members to help deliver work, setting up together and pooling resources... it all happens informally at the moment - we can do even better if we make sure we keep in touch. Perhaps the monthly meetings - even online - can help here - or the chats such as at Jude's place... think about it and let us know.

Members' News and New Members

Please email me to share your artistic endeavours, click on my name. Carmel Ritchie

Workshops by Jenny Whiteside

Discounted prices for ASV members for workshops conducted by Jenny Whiteside.