The Association of Sculptors of Victoria is an inclusive, not-for-profit collective of contemporary artists whose purpose is to inspire,stimulate and advance the appreciation, creation, and exploration of three-dimensional art in society.

Did Somebody Open a Can of Worms?

Once upon a time the ASV committee members got on pretty well - we had agreed that changing the constitution was a bit hard and what we really needed to do was figure out what we wanted to achieve, discuss it with the members and then get on with it. So whilst our constitution allowed for full and associate memberships for sculptors, we decided that all sculptors were equal in membership and got on with the job.
Then some well meaning people came along and said - let’s sort this out - oh dear!
Well it’s a long hard journey for everyone - and in the end we’ll probably end up doing much as we have been for the past 6 or so years just because this is what we do.
Some of the issues I had with the constitution proposed to the members in 2008 have been sorted out by the various government authorities - the settlement of disputes by mediation is a particular one. And the reminder that we need a board in charge of our public fund.
The ASV is a volunteer run organisation - of and for the members. We all need to take on tasks and the committee cannot manage as a remote, autonomous body.
In my case I am currently web site coordinator, newsletter editor and Herring Island Coordinator - and I am doing this for the sculptors not for “the committee”. (And I wouldn’t mind some help) If the members don’t want me to do the job the way I have been doing it then we need to talk - if they seriously don’t like what I do then I will walk.
We need to stop considering criticism as a problem but rather as a way of moving forward. We need to learn: from our mistakes, from discussion, from comments and from considering our motivation.
“The committee” has looked in our Statement of Purposes and decided that we don’t need to be sculptors to support the purposes - probably the constitution for Rotary could be interpreted the same way - but if you change the membership requirements of Rotary would it still be Rotary?
These notes are purely personal and have not been edited nor authorised by the committee. I trust that members will vote or appoint proxies at the AGM according to their conscience and I will take note of your decisions.
Jenny Rickards 9836 2738

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