The Association of Sculptors of Victoria is an inclusive, not-for-profit collective of contemporary artists whose purpose is to inspire,stimulate and advance the appreciation, creation, and exploration of three-dimensional art in society.


We are racing towards the end of the financial year, and the next Annual General Meeting in August. John Bishop has agreed to join the Committee for the remaining period to August, and more volunteers will be made most welcome. The future Membership Officer and Treasurer positions still need to be filled. Members need to plan their support and involvement now in the ASV for the year from August.

Notices to Members have been issued in respect an Extraordinary General Meeting to be held Wednesday June 10. The voting for Options A and B previously circulated to members was found on a recount to be a tie. The Committee has included resolutions in the Notice to Members that reflect the different Member interests, and the advice of lawyers nominated by Arts Law. The Committee has also included resolutions in the Notice that incorporate the clauses deemed by Consumer Affairs to be effective when they approved the new Constitution last year.

The Three Graces have issued applications and terms of the Annual Exhibition opening on Wednesday 15 July, and Rod Sanders has organized a band (including one not to be missed drummer) for the appropriate opening sound.

Mark Cowie as Exhibition Coordinator of the Tesselaar Exhibition is actively planning the exhibition planned for September-October of this year, and previous entrants are being contacted.

Contact has been made with Swinburne University for support in making changes to the web site, and the Committee is considering alternatives for IT advice and assistance.

Geoff Williams Acting President

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