The Association of Sculptors of Victoria is an inclusive, not-for-profit collective of contemporary artists whose purpose is to inspire,stimulate and advance the appreciation, creation, and exploration of three-dimensional art in society.

President's Letter for July

As we draw near to the end of another sculpture year and the Annual General Meeting approaches I ask all members to think about what you can do for the association. It doesn’t matter how small. I am delighted that Robert Kendi has come on board as membership secretary and that Pat O’Connor is helping Jenny with the news letter but it still seems to be left to the same few to manage the general running and administration of the association. Please put up your hands to help lighten the load of the committee and exhibition coordinators and share their workload. Most are trying to juggle family and full time jobs so could do with a hand. Do you know anything about publicity, advertising, computers websites or just putting letters in envelopes? Please contact me or any of the other committee. Please join us at the AGM to hear what our plans are for the future and to listen to what will be a most interesting talk by one of our members Damien Vick. See you there.
Gillian Govan President


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