The Association of Sculptors of Victoria is an inclusive, not-for-profit collective of contemporary artists whose purpose is to inspire,stimulate and advance the appreciation, creation, and exploration of three-dimensional art in society.

Dates for Your Diary


Wednesday 1 June 7:30 pm ASV committee meeting please contact to confirm if you are attending via Zoom or in person

Wednesday 8 June: Delivery and set up Annual & Awards Exhibition

Saturday 11 June 2 to 4pm: Opening celebration and prize announcements Annual & Awards Exhibition

Tuesday 28 June: Dismantle AAE 2022

28 October to 1 November: Victoria Sculpture Prize @ Port of Sale

November: ASV AGM

Annual & Awards Exhibition 2022

The highlight of the Year for the Association of Sculptors Victoria. THE ANNUAL AND AWARDS EXHIBITION will soon commence.

9 to 27 June at the Victorian Artists Society 430 Albert Street East Melbourne. Opening hours Monday to Friday - 10:00 am to 4:00pm Saturday, Sunday & Monday 13 June  - 1:00pm to 4:00pm

Opening celebration and prize announcements will be held on Saturday 11 June between 2 and 4pm 

History of the Awards

The two main prizes are the Margaret Gunnerson William Hoggan Thomas Award for the best sculpture by a sculptor with over 10 Years sculpting experience. and the Tina Wentcher Sculpture Prize for those with fewer than 10 years sculpting experience.

ASV Activities

Earlier this month we were privileged to visit Dean Bowen in his magnificent studio - he has a gallery space fronting the street, working spaces for his sculpture, painting and printmaking and storage for everything. 

Thanks to Paul for organising this visit - if you have an idea for a visit, activity, workshop or a discussion we could have in a Zoom meeting please contact Gillian - after the Annual Exhibition -

ASV Website Progress

The Executive Committee has put out a tender for our new website. We will also be applying for a grant to pay for the website. This process is taking time, but we are close to a resolution. All being well we should be able to brief everyone about our progress at the June 1 committee meeting.

Also if anybody has any concerns, please don't hesitate to contact us, just email or phone. 

Cheers Bruce Webb on behalf of the EC 0431 492 720.

How the existing website works

The ASV website has a simple function - it records all sculptures exhibited with us. From this pool the website can display works in individual exhibitions and/or works by individual sculptors. 

Welcome to New Members

 Welcome to New Members

During the past month our membership officer Anne Anderson welcomed the following new members:   Suzanne Miles, Paul Jesse, Julie Lamont, Moz Moretti, Patti Beerems and Janice Whetton. Welcome! We look forward to meeting you and seeing your work in our exhibitions.

ASV committee

We have listed the ASV Office bearers on a page of the online newsletter at