The Association of Sculptors of Victoria is an inclusive, not-for-profit collective of contemporary artists whose purpose is to inspire,stimulate and advance the appreciation, creation, and exploration of three-dimensional art in society.


Annual Awards Exhibition 2022 

After a wait of three years we have opened the exhibition and held the presentation of awards for our Annual and Awards Exhibition 2022.

   Our new venue, in the main galleries of the Victorian Artists Society in East Melbourne has not only its historic beauty to recommend it but also hydronic heating - all those who have shivered in city building foyers sitting or visiting our exhibitions will appreciate the warmth of the building and the warmth of our support from the Society and staff.


Congratulations to all sculptors who have participated to create a fabulous exhibition

and the volunteers who make it happen. 

   Sales so far bode well - five as of 14th June and voting in the People’s Choice Award demonstrates an interested public. The exhibition in the gallery is supported by the online exhibition which has picked up a few people’s choice votes but no sales as yet. Each work has a QR code on the label to link to extensive information and the opportunity to refer back to the work, vote for it or purchase online afterwards... or at the show.

Judging team

    Our honorary judge and speaker at the opening was Lisa Byrne, Director of the McClelland Sculpture Park and Gallery. The panel of judges comprised Lisa Byrne, Gunnel Watkins (Presidential Team) and Drasko Boljevic.

Tina Wentcher Sculpture Award for Sculptors with fewer than ten years sculpting experience

First Prize

In, from and with - Pattie Beerens

Contemporary, Unique and Timely.

The piece bridges concept art, installation and 3D.

Connection to land stand alone abstract figurative work. Powerful, soulful and organic.

Delicately formed armature using a variety of materials to form an organic structure both abstracted and figurative in reference. Expert use of sensibility with regards to materials.

The artist's statement regarding this work painted a picture and loudly communicated the creation of the work and enhanced the experience.

Second Prize

The Thoroughbred – Meg Hodge

White perfection in form. A strong sculpture, high level of skill. The artwork stands on its own as a complete work.

Highly Commended

Chinese Dragon – Corrado Rizza

From creating mediaeval armour to exploring mythical creatures. A blacksmith turned sculptor….  adapting existing skills to new ventures. The level of skill to produce the scales on this dragon is commendable.  

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