The Association of Sculptors of Victoria is an inclusive, not-for-profit collective of contemporary artists whose purpose is to inspire,stimulate and advance the appreciation, creation, and exploration of three-dimensional art in society.


7.30 pm 12 November 2008
Community Arts Space, rear 360 Burwood Rd, Hawthorn 3122


  1. Welcome to Members and Visitors

  2. Apologies

  3. Minutes of Annual General Meeting 2007

  4. Business Arising

  5. Presidents Report

  6. Membership report

  7. Financial Report

  8. Exhibition Reports

  9. Report on Constitution Amendments

  10. Motions by J Rickards:

    1. That the meeting reconsiders the membership clauses in the Constitution.

    2. That matters approved as policy by the members in a meeting can be referred for legal opinion and correct drafting to an Arts Law approved practitioner prior to lodgement of the constitution with the relevant authorities.

    3. That in the light of losses at the 2008 MIF&GS and Annual Exhibitions that members discuss the policy of the ASV providing substantial prize money in the absence of sponsorship dollars.

    4. Members have the opportunity to indicate what their priorities are in regard to prizes, catalogues, publicity and advertising.

    5. Members reconsider the decision to use commercial galleries for our annual exhibition. (“Free” venues have other costs and disadvantages, however we need to be sure that we are getting full value from our use of commercial spaces).

    6. Consideration of fees: Members receiving their newsletter via email service receive a $15 per annum reduction in their fees.

  11. Election of Officers

  12. Any Other Business

G Williams, Secretary

Note: J Rickards has expressed the following opinion:

Members who attended the meeting on the 15th October to listen to discussion on the proposed constitution and to add their opinions to the discussion found themselves disenfranchised by the adjournment of the meeting for one week. Even though they had attended the meeting they were unable to vote because they were unable to be present on the second occasion.

She advises members that:

Everyone who may be unable to attend a second meeting (held one week later than the advertised date of the AGM) should lodge a proxy with someone who will undertake to attend both meetings and vote according to their wishes. A second meeting would be necessitated if we fail to achieve a quorum of eleven members personally present, or 25% of the membership members personally present, whichever is the greater (currently 26 required).


President Vacant

Vice President Vacant

Vice President Vacant

Honorary Secretary Vacant

Assistant Secretary Vacant

Honorary Treasurer P Culshaw

Publicity Officer Vacant

Immediate Past President J Wooller ex officio

Ordinary Member of the Committee M Patterson

Ordinary Member of Committee Vacant


Membership Secretary Vacant

Organiser(s) of Annual Exhibition Vacant

Coordinator for Tesselaar Exhibition Vacant

Organiser of Melbourne International Flower & Garden Show (MIFGS) Vacant

Organiser of Herring Island Exhibition J Rickards

Newsletter Editor Vacant

Activities Secretary Vacant

Public Officer P Culshaw

Web Site Coordinator Vacant

Assistant Treasurer, if required Vacant

Services and Supplies Directory Editor Vacant

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